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Latest news and press releases from our public reps are below.

‘Catch-Up for Children’ Scheme Proposed

Labour Seanad Group Leader and Party Spokesperson for Children, Disability, Equality and Integration, Senator Ivana Bacik has called on the Government to introduce a catch-up scheme, as in other jurisdictions, for children in Ireland.  This scheme would provide funding to address the severe impacts upon children due to losing significant time at school and engagement…

Ivana Bacik TD
09 February 2021

After commencement of Coco’s Law the next challenge is to change online culture

Education programme targeted at young people needed to change online culture. With the commencement later today of his Private Members Bill, now law, to tackle online harassment and harmful communications, Labour Party Justice spokesperson Brendan Howlin paid tribute to campaigners like Jackie Fox, and said the next challenge was to change online culture. Deputy Howlin…

Labour Admin

09 February 2021

Reminder: 11.30am Labour to launch motion on National Aggressive Suppression Strategy on Covid-19

Labour Party Leader Alan Kelly and Finance spokesperson Ged Nash will today Tuesday 9th February at 11.30am on the Leinster House plinth, launch our motion calling for a National Aggressive Suppression Strategy on Covid-19. This will be debated in the Dáil on Wednesday morning in private members time. The motion, appended below, outlines a comprehensive…

Labour Trade Unionists
08 February 2021

Labour Senators concerned at lack of Effective Ban on Co-Living Schemes

This morning in the Seanad, Labour Senators put down a commencement matter on ‘the need for the Minister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage to implement a ban on the development of co-living schemes where construction has not yet commenced.’   Today, Monday 8th February, Labour Senators have expressed their concern to the Minister of…

Labour Trade Unionists
08 February 2021

More driving testers needed to clear test backlog

Labour Party Leader, Alan Kelly TD, has called on the Government to allocate funds to recruit more driving testers in order to clear the massive backlog that now exists.  This comes as figures released by Parliamentary Question to Deputy Kelly reveal that 64,467 people are currently waiting to sit their driving test. Deputy Kelly said:…

08 February 2021

Minister must explain loss of €45 weekly after election commitment to full transition payment

Announcement of new payment is just Job Seekers by another name. FG during election said transition payment would be at rate of State Pension. Full transition payment still needed. Responding to the announcement today by the Minister for Social Protection of a revised benefit payment, Labour Social Protection spokesperson Seán Sherlock highlighted that it would…

Seán Sherlock TD
08 February 2021

Affordable Housing must represent a fair option for working people

Labour housing spokesperson Senator Rebecca Moynihan has called on the Government to publish how cost rental costs are arrived at. Following the announcement by Minister O’Brien that three Approved Housing Bodies (AHB) had received approval for the State’s first cost rental scheme, delivering 390 homes, Senator Moynihan has reiterated Labour’s call for Affordable Housing for…

Senator Rebecca Moynihan
08 February 2021

Government is undermining EU draft directive on workers rights

Sherlock slams Tánaiste’s solo run. At end of January, Tanaiste Leo Varadkar co-signed a letter with eight other Employment affairs ministers in an attempt to undermine the German Presidency’s directive on adequate minimum wages.  Reacting to this letter, Labour employment affairs spokesperson Senator Marie Sherlock said this is a direct and blatant attempt to hobble a…

07 February 2021

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