If You Live Here You Can Vote Here

As election season is coming up, Labour Intercultural is initiating an advocacy campaign to promote political participation among the immigrant and migrant population to encourage them to vote in their local electoral areas.

As per the electoral commission in Ireland, non-EU citizens, regardless of the type of residence they might hold, or if they are seeking asylum and people over the age of 18  have the democratic right to vote in their local elections. 

The campaign is mainly an information campaign to spread awareness to individuals to ‘register to vote’. The campaign will also be primarily used to connect to our local candidates to their fellow constituents.  

Over the next few weeks, Labour Intercultural will be providing leaflets and online graphics to our local election candidates as part of this campaign. We are asking all Labour members to join us in this campaign and help distribute these leaflets with their local canvassing so that this June, everyone can make their voice heard. 

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