Jim Kemmy Portrait

The Constituency of Limerick is auctioning a portrait of Jim Kemmy painted by local artist Claire Hartigan as part of a constituency fundraiser.
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This portrait of Jim Kemmy is painted an 80cm x 80cm deep edged canvas. 
The medium is a monochromatic Oil Painting, painted on a deep edged canvas. 
The painting is worked in a techniques reminiscent of a watercolours , pastel and etching processes, all of which the Artist Clare Hartigan is proficient in. 
“I painted this painting of Jim Kemmy to honour my own personal memory of a person who had a huge influence on my own personal journey, while at the same time to honour a man who was clearly hugely respected both within his community, his county and his country. When i was starting out on my career as a young artist at the age of sixteen, Jim showed up to a Limerick Art Society exhibition and  bought one of my first exhibited drawings and hung it in the mayoral office. I honestly thought, in that moment, that i was made up for life. 
He was always a huge supported of the arts amongst other things, and to me a giant amongst men. 
Clare Hartigan works from her studio based in her home village of Castleconnell , co. Limerick and is represented by Duke Street Gallery in Dublin. 

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