The Robert Tressell Festival 2024

President Michael D Higgins to address Robert Tressell Festival 2024

The Robert Tressell Festival returns for its second year on Saturday, May 11th, 2024, in Liberty Hall. Get your tickets here –

This year’s festival promises to be even bigger and better than last year’s successful inaugural event with President Michael D. Higgins set to deliver the keynote address at the festival.

The festival will feature a jam-packed day and evening of music, drama, art, and debate. Tickets for the evening rally (€20 plus booking) and daytime events (€5.50) are available now at

Proceeds go towards running the festival, which is also supported by several trade unions.

The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists has had a massive influence on so many people in our movement and in wider progressive and left wing politics. The book tells a story that mixes pathos and comedy with realism but ultimately puts fire in the belly and that’s the feeling we want people to come away from the festival again this year with.


Paddy Cole, Tressell Festival Organiser.

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