Let’s end the indecent and insensitive practice of sharing images from road traffic accidents.

The posting and sharing of images taken by those who come upon the scene of an accident has become all too common.

The fact that family members and friends can be exposed to such harmful and grotesque images before they have even learned of the accident is unforgivable. It is deeply disrespectful and distressing intrusion into private grief that must be outlawed.

Over the last number of months, we have seen an awful increase in road traffic accidents. As these incidents increase, it’s also becoming more common to hear Gardaí state that they are aware of images circulating social media – after a serious traffic accident – and for them to plea with people not to share them.

It’s time to make this type of gross behaviour illegal.

A zero tolerance approach would protect victims and families. But we need your help.

On Thursday, 13th June, the Dáil will debate the Labour Party’s Bill which would impose a fine upwards of €5,000 or a custodial sentence for anyone who takes a photo, video, or an image of a victim of a road traffic accident.

We are asking you to write to the Minister for Transport Jack Chambers TD to support Labour’s Bill this Thursday.

Click to send this Letter to the Minister

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