Low and middle income earners better off under labour than Sinn Fein’s Gerrynomics
On radio this afternoon, Sinn Fein leader, Gerry Adams suggested that low to middle income workers would be better off under Sinn Féin. Nothing could be further from the truth and is another example of Sinn Fein’s Gerrynomics.
Sinn Féin’s refusal to consider USC reform makes its policies onerous on low to middle income earners. In contrast Labour’s plans to eliminate USC on incomes up to €72,000 and extend PRSI relief are particularly targeted on low income workers.
Under Sinn Fein’s USC proposals workers earning just marginally above the minimum wage would not be better off.
The current national industrial average wage is estimated to be €36,000 however Sinn Fein are proposing that workers earning €16,000 less than that will not see any change under their USC proposals.
It is clear that Labour’s focus on reducing USC on all earnings up to €72,000 will deliver far more for low and middle income families than under Sinn Fein.
Unlike Sinn Fein, Labour’s plans to reform the USC both demonstrates and ensures the stability and balance necessary to build a fair recovery.