Time for banks to restore tracker mortgages

03 July 2016

A recent report by Charlie Weston in the Irish Independent that banks in some instances are refusing to restore tracker mortgages to customers who had them wrongly removed, highlights the need for the authorities to take a harder line with financial institutions.

Banks have cheated thousands of customers out of their tracker mortgages, and their refusal to restore them is simply not good enough.

They may be paying some level of compensation to those people who were wrongly deprived of the tracker mortgage, but they need to go much further.

There may be some instances where the wronged borrowers have moved on and where they are satisfied with their new arrangement, but any customer who has asked to be put back on a tracker mortgage, must be facilitated. I believe it is incumbent on the Financial Service Ombudsman to make sure that this happens.

In addition the FSO must clarify if there are outstanding cases where banks have failed to comply with his direction to restore tracker mortgages to borrowers.

It’s the least that we should expect of them.


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