Further talks must take place to resolve the dispute at Dublin Bus – Ryan
Dublin Bus are to stage three 48 hour work stoppages in September as result of an ongoing dispute in relation to pay. The announcement of six days of strike action follows rounds of negotiations at the Workplace Relations Commission and the Labour Court. The Dublin Bus workers are seeking a 15% pay increase over three years plus a 6% increase from a previous agreement made to the workers in 2008, at the beginning of the economic crash. Earlier this month, Dublin Bus workers rejected a Labour Court recommendation which would see all grades receive a pay increase of 8.25% within a 16 month period.
Following the serving of strike notice, Dublin Bus Management is to arrange talks with the workers representatives and Owen Reidy of SIPTU, speaking on radio this morning said the Trade Union Group representing the workers is open to further talks.
Ryan “We hope this window for further dialogue is used to find a solution which is agreeable to the workers and which can avoid the work stoppages planned for September. Dublin Bus is the single biggest provider of public transport for the people of Dublin City and County and is crucial in getting people to work, children to school, students to college and for people to go about their daily lives. Any work stoppage will have a massive impact on the city and county and therefore it is vital a solution is reached prior to the first planned work stoppage on the 8 & 9 September.”
Ryan “As our economy improves, The Labour Party supports an increase in the subvention to Dublin Bus and other forms of critical public transport, in line with European norms. With increased subvention, Dublin Bus would continue to modernise and improve its service, in order to provide newer and cleaner vehicles, improved in Bus wi-fi, Real Time Passenger Information services and other service improvements. Increasing subvention and making certain such subventions across a longer time period than just one year, would also allow Dublin Bus to protect and improve the conditions of its workers, who are at the frontline in delivering an ever improving and excellent service to the people of Dublin.”