Minister for Transport Must Meet with the Unions – Labour Youth
Ahead of industrial action planned by Dublin Bus workers over the course of the next month beginning tomorrow, Labour Youth calls on Minister for Transport Shane Ross to meet with the unions spearheading the action.
On the issue, National Chairperson of Labour Youth, Grace Williams commented, “It is absolutely outrageous that Minister for Transport Shane Ross has yet to meet with unions organising with the Dublin Bus workers. The Minister has had ample notice that industrial action in Dublin Bus was likely in the months following his appointment. That no meeting has taken place as of yet shows how seriously the Minister takes his national portfolio. This combined with the Minister’s previous description of the Department of Transport as a ‘doddle’ is nothing short of an insult to the 400,000 people who will be affected by the strike action.
“It is time that the Minister places priority on his national duties. Seeing the planning of multiple bus strikes without meeting unions who represent these workers is not only unacceptable, but an embarrassment for our government. Our workers deserve better.
“Further to this, we reiterate our support for the Dublin Bus workers in their fight for a decent wage. Despite increases in fares, numbers of passengers and overall revenue, wages remain stagnant. Minister Shane Ross must realise the role that his department should be playing in this fight and meet with the unions.”