Burton welcomes restoration of pay equality for teachers
Labour Party Education spokesperson Joan Burton has today welcomed the restoration of pay equality for teachers.
“The announcement today that pay equality has been restored for all teachers is a hugely welcome one, and sees the further reinstatement of equal pay for equal work as a core principle.
“Earlier this year, my colleages Brendan Howlin and Alan Kelly were able to reach an agreement with the trade union representing SIPTU that allowed for the restoration of pay levels for all new entrants. I am delighted to see that formula has now been replicated to deliver equal pay for newly-qualified teachers.
“It is particularly important to note the important reforms that will accompany the restoration of pay for teachers – the resumption of the School Self-Evaluation process will allow schools to really examine how they can improve their own performance, while structures to modernise school leadership and to resolve the ongoing dispute around teacher probation will also allow for the school improvement agenda driven by Labour in Government to get back on track.”