11 October 2016



  • Labour provided a bigger increase to pensioners in 2016 than that provided in the 2017 FG-FF Budget
  • No increase in Child Benefit provided in Budget 2017 while all other major payments going up
  • Social Welfare budget only increased by 1%
  • Under 26’s getting only €2.70 extra a week

Labour TD and Spokesperson on Social Protection, Willie Penrose, has said that ‘When you add up the figures announced in the Budget today it’s clear that pensioners have been sold a pup.’

“For 2016 taking the increase in the Christmas bonus from 25% to 75%, the €2.50 a week increase in the fuel allowance and the weekly €3 increase, Labour in Government ensured the average older person benefitted by a total increase of €336.10 this year.

For 2017, the 10% bump in the Christmas bonus and a €5 weekly pension increase from 1st March is worth a total of €245.60 for the average older person.

Fianna Fáil called last year’s increase an insult. They should let us know whether they think a smaller increase this year is also an insult?

This year’s do nothing budget also provided no increase for Child Benefit while all other major payments are increasing, and the overall Social Protection budget has increased by only 1%.

The limited rollout of an extra dental benefit consisting of a scale and polish provides little return on the 4% PRSI workers are paying.

Those on jobseekers allowance under the age of 26 are only being provided with a €2.70 per week increase when the decent thing to do would be provide everyone with €5 a week.”

Notes for Editors:

In 2016 between the Christmas bonus, the fuel allowance increase and the €3 weekly increase – Labour ensured the average OAP benefitted by a total increase of €336.10.

This year – after all the fanfare with a €5 pension increase from 1 March (44 weeks) and a 10% increase in the bonus it’s worth €245.60 for the average OAP.

The increase secured by Labour in Budget 2016 to OAPs was worth more than this year’s.

Labour’s Budget 2016: Gain
Gain from increase in Bonus from 25% (€57.60) to 75% (€172.70): €115.10
€3 weekly increase in OAP Cont. Pension (52 weeks): €156
€2.50 per week increase in fuel allowance (for 26 weeks) €65

Total Increase 2016: €336.10

FG-FF Budget 2017: Gain
Gain from 85% Christmas Bonus 2016 (on weekly rate of 233.30) is €198.30 (minus €172.70) = €25.60
€5 weekly increase in OAP Contributory Pension from 1st March (44 weeks) = €220

Total Increase 2017 €245.60

Labour provided an extra €90.50 in last year’s budget compared to what FG and FF provided this year.

Last year Fianna Fail called the increase Labour provided to pensioners an insult.

But we secured more for pensioners last year then they did this year.

Note: For 2017 €5 increase from 1st Jan would be worth an extra €40. Therefore even if increase started in January, 2016 saw a larger increase for pensioners.


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