Labour spokesperson on Communications Seán Sherlock TD has expressed his disappointment at comments by Minister Naughten, that there will be further delays in the rollout of National Broadband Plan affecting homes and businesses across rural Ireland.
“It is especially disappointing to hear Minister Naughten confirm on Morning Ireland that there will be delays to the planned timeframe of rolling out national high-speed broadband on the back of results published today that broadband speeds in some rural areas of Ireland are up to 36 times slower than those in towns and cities.
“If this Government is serious about prioritising investment in small towns across our regions but in particular those areas that have not benefited from the Jobs Recovery that Labour delivered since 2011. There is no substitute for infrastructural investment by the State for long term development including the provision of high-speed broadband in rural Ireland.
“The delays in the procurement process for the National Broadband plan are unacceptable when 927,000 homes and premises across rural Ireland are without high-speed.
“Labour in Government ensured that high speed broadband has already been made available to all secondary schools. Further policy and regulatory frameworks need to be put in place to stimulate commercial companies to deliver top-quality internet to the maximum number of homes and businesses across the country.”