29 November 2016

Labour Spokesperson on Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation, Alan Kelly, today quizzed the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport, Shane Ross, on a Topical Issue Debate on the continuing failure to appoint people to the 36 State Board vacancies in his Department.

Commenting after the debate, Deputy Kelly said:

“For six months Minister Ross has dodged his responsibility to appoint qualified people to State Boards under his purview.”

“There are currently 36 vacancies, and an analysis of the State Boards under his control show a further 16 places will become vacant by the end of the year unless he re-appoints current members.”

“I asked Minister Ross to guarantee that all competencies on these Boards are currently covered because it has come to my attention that due to the building number of vacancies some of them aren’t.”

“Currently one third of the Board of Irish Rail is vacant while there are two vacancies on the Road Safety Authority, and the Minister had to re-appoint 2 further current members of the RSA in September.”

“A quarter of the board of Transport Infrastructure Ireland is vacant while major transport projects are being planned.”

“Minister Ross has kicked to touch by saying he is reviewing guidelines and developing a system to suit his views, but there is already a fair and transparent process in place through the Public Appointments Service.”

“By his actions Minister Ross is undermining and reducing public confidence in the current PAS system with absolutely no basis for doing so.”

“The Minister should stop dragging his feet before a governance crisis develops in the Boards under his control.”


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