Fine Gael proposals to charge for Free GP Care wrong move
Following revelations over the weekend that Fine Gael plan to charge €5 a visit for children between 6 and 12 to visit their GP, Labour spokesperson on Health Alan Kelly TD has said that this move would defeat the purpose of the scheme and undermine the cross party Sláintecare proposals.
Deputy Kelly said:
“Two years ago Labour provided the money in Budget 2016 for the rollout of free GP care to children between the ages of six and 12. Since then Fine Gael have dragged their feet on rolling out the scheme further.
“The revelations by the Sunday Independent that the Government may seek to charge €5 per visit or cap the number of visits at four a year for children up to the age of 12 defeats the purpose of the scheme.
“This is yet more evidence of the Government walking away from key proposals of Sláintecare, which involves building up our primary care system and removing charges for those accessing health services.
“Free GP care for under 6’s has been a vital support for thousands of families, but many now see their children growing older and moving outside the benefits of the scheme.
“The long term health benefits of free GP care for children is that chronic diseases are better managed, and serious illnesses diagnosed earlier, reducing long term health costs.
“Ask any parent who has used the scheme and they will tell you the huge benefits it has brought. No parent should have to worry about finding €60 for a GP visit when their child is ill.
“Up to 200,000 children are having free GP care withheld from them, despite the money being put in place two years ago so it’s time for the Government to deliver on the commitments they have made.”