Ó Ríordáin to lead protest on Sunday January 28th to save St Anne’s Park from development

25 January 2018

Labour General Election Candidate for Dublin Bay North Aodhán Ó Ríordáin is to lead a community protest this Sunday January 28th against the proposed development at the St.Paul’s College / St Anne’s Park site on Sybil Hill Road.

Senator Ó Ríordáin said:

“In the last two months I have hosted two public meetings on this issue and the response from the local community has been overwhelming. These lands were gifted to the Vincentian Religious Order from Dublin Corporation in the 1950 for recreational use and the Z15 zonings of the lands have reflected that. A number of years ago the order sold the lands to a private developer, selling out the local community, and simultaneously evicting local sports clubs from the pitches they have used for years.

“The proposal to construct 536 housing units on this site is a perversion of what the lands were intended for, and will have a devastating effect on the environmental integrity of St Anne’s Park – a park which is the green lung of the Northside. The proposal is being strenuously objected to by local community groups and sports clubs and every singe one of the 15 local councillors representing all shades of political colour.

“It is absolutely true that the Northside needs housing – that is why the Labour Party support the proposed 650 unit development on Oscar Traynor Road; supported the 162 unit development in Childvision in Drumcondra; support the 101 Respond housing development on Grace Park Road; support the proposed 350 unit development on the Chivers site in Coolock; supported the 62 unit public housing development in Beaumont against huge local opposition; supported the 151 unit public housing development on the Northern Fringe against huge local opposition.

“It is important to note that I and my Labour councillor colleagues will always support community-appropriate sustainable development. We don’t support developer lead greedy developments. That is why no Labour politician has ever been called in front of a tribunal. Ever.”

The protest takes place at 12noon at the Sybil Hill Road entrance to St Anne’s Park.

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