Dublin transport summit needed to address Luas issues

20 February 2018

Labour Transport spokesperson Senator Kevin Humphreys has called for the Minister for Transport to bring together all public transport stakeholders in Dublin in a transport summit to rectify current traffic problems in the city centre and overcrowding issues on the Luas green line in particular.

Senator Humphreys said:

“The Transport Minister was more than happy to celebrate the launch of the Luas Cross City Line back in December but has been virtually silent on the delays and major overcrowding issues being experienced by passengers.

“Commuting on the Luas has now become a case of ‘survival of the fittest’ and it is only those with the sharpest elbows who manage to get on during peak hour, particularly on the green line.

“It’s now becoming apparent that these are more than just teething issues from the launch of the new Luas service, which is adding to overall traffic issues in the city.

“We need to see leadership from Minister Ross on this and he needs to bring together all the stakeholders involved in public transport to deal with the crisis that is evolving.

“As the economy in Dublin continues to grow it is clear the problems will only get worse. I have long called for a directly elected Mayor for our city who would be empowered to address these type of transport problems. In the absence of such an office, it falls to the Minister to find, and progress solutions.

“After spending nearly €400 million on the Luas Cross City service it’s time that the problems of overcrowding on the line, and the knock on impact on traffic and bus flow in the city are conclusively addressed.”

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