TCD should reverse repeat fee decision

13 March 2018

Labour Party Education spokesperson, Senator Aodhán Ó Ríordáin, has called on Trinity College Dublin to reverse the decision to introduce a fee of €450 to repeat exams.

Senator Ó Ríordáin said:

“The outrageous decision by Trinity College Dublin to introduce a high fee of €450 to repeat exams will price many students out of college.

“The idea that students, who often need to repeat exams due to personal circumstances, will now have to pay a fee that is fifteen per cent of the annual college fees is ridiculous and may see many students drop out of college courses in TCD as a consequence.

“Trinity College need to clarify immediately what the process was in place for making this decision, and what engagement took place with the student representatives. Was the Department of Education aware that this movement was afoot?

“From an institution that is capable of purchasing a €1.95 million apartment for their Provost who couldn’t handle noise during the Luas Cross City works, it is scandalous that students in a vulnerable position will now see these types of charges imposed on them.

“I fully support the students who are protesting today and the Minister for Education needs to engage with the college authorities and demand the reversal of this decision.”

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