Time for FF to walk the walk on Pay Inequality

02 April 2018

Labour spokesperson on Education Aodhán Ó RÍordáin has heavily criticised Fianna Fáil for speaking out of both side of their mouths on pay inequality. Senator Ó Ríordáin was speaking ahead of today’s INTO conference in Killarney which he is attending.

“Pay inequality for newly qualified teachers was introduced by Fianna Fáil in 2011 and remains the one of the last major outstanding legacy issues of the economic collapse.

“The tough talking by FF in recent weeks on the matter is hardly credible when you consider they claim to have co-written the last two budgets introduced by the Fine Gael-led government.

“If FF were serious about the matter they would demand a pay restoration roadmap as a precondition for supporting the education budget this Autumn. But as with everything with FF, they are all talk and provide no genuine answers.

“FF regularly sit silently on the opposition benches to allow opposition attempts to promote progressive education moves to fail.

“It is time they used the power available to them, as the only political entity in the Oireachtas who are keeping the government in power, to right their own terrible wrong of seven years ago.”

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