Sherlock concern over latest HIQA report on foster services

Seán Sherlock TD
05 April 2018

Labour spokesperson on Children and Youth Affairs, Seán Sherlock TD, has expressed concern over the findings of the latest HIQA report on Tusla foster care services in Dublin and Cavan/Monaghan, which was critical of the standard of care.

Deputy Sherlock said:

“Unfortunately this is a case of déjà vu with the latest HIQA report on the standard of care of foster care services, this time in the Dublin North City, South Central and Cavan/Monaghan areas.

“HIQA has highlighted a number of particular concerns in relation to Garda vetting and training needs and support for carers, as well as a failure to comply with several of the standards assessed.

“These are similar concerns to those raised by HIQA during inspections of foster care services in Cork back in November and Carlow/Kilkenny and South Tipperary in February of this year, with inspections in Kerry and the mid-West last year also finding similar issues.

“We need to establish why these sorts of issues are consistently being identified in our foster services nationwide so they can be addressed.

“The last Budget allocated €750 million to Tusla, and now need assurances from the Minister for Children that these resources are being properly allocated to ensure State child protection and welfare services country-wide are fully compliant with HIQA standards.”

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