FF giving Government free pass on school building

13 April 2018

Commenting on today’s new schools announcement, Labour spokesperson on Education, Senator Aodhán Ó Ríordáin, said:

“While welcoming today’s announcement of 42 new schools, some of which will benefit the communities in Dublin Bay North, questions remain about the hundreds of schools around the country who are actively seeking badly needed refurbishments.

“Fianna Fáil’s apparent concern on this matter is galling to say the least, as they’re happy to claim credit for positive budgetary measures on the one hand, but also claim a lack of influence when it suits.

“In Government, the Labour Party built more permanent classrooms in the worst of economic circumstances than any previous administration succeeded doing in much better times.

“Thousands of school children across the country are no longer being taught in drafty prefabs because of the work of Ruairi Quinn, Jan O’Sullivan, and the Labour Party in Government.

“But following today’s announcement, there is understandable concern among parents and students throughout the country over whether the much needed school refurbishments will still go ahead as planned.

“Apparent budgetary choices between existing refurbishment projects and new school announcements are the inevitable consequence of the tax cut consensus of Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael.

“If Fianna Fáil is genuine in their concern over today’s announcement, they should be seeking an urgent meeting with the Minister. But the reality is they won’t; because just like the issue of pay equalisation or third level fees, Fianna Fáil are all talk and no action.”


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