Government not doing enough to tackle rising student rents

11 June 2018

Labour Party Education spokesperson, Senator Aodhán Ó Ríordáin, has said the Government must do more to tackle rising student accommodation rents.

Senator Ó Ríordáin said:

“Today, we have read reports that there has been a rise in the numbers of students commuting to college as rents are becoming unaffordable in many college cities and towns.

“We have seen student accommodation fees rise to over €10,000 for the college year in some parts of Dublin and house shares are due to rise by 6.5% this September.

“Students and their families are from outside of Dublin are now expected to pay extortionate amounts in order to secure a safe, suitable home for their time in college.

“These private student housing providers are manipulating students and especially their parents who want to ensure that their children are in good quality accommodation in Dublin.

“At present, these student accommodation units are exempt from rent pressure zone regulations and are beyond the scope of the RTB as they are deemed to be ‘under license’ rather than leased to the renter.

“It’s not good enough for students to travel to Dublin from places like Tipperary and Monaghan. This has a serious impact on the educational and mental well-being of students.”

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