FG need to show political leadership to drive change in an Garda Síochána

Seán Sherlock TD
26 June 2018

Commenting on the appointment of Mr Drew Harris as Garda Commissioner, Labour spokesperson on Justice Seán Sherlock TD welcomed Mr Harris’s appointment.

Deputy Sherlock said:

“I wish Mr Harris well in his appointment, and I hope that he will be able to make progress on the many issues that have dogged An Garda Síochána over the years.

“However, there is equally an onus on Fine Gael to rise up to the challenge to give the necessary political leadership to drive change.

“I call on Minister Flanagan to seize the opportunity of this appointment to facilitate Mr Harris to make the necessary, and probably difficult, changes at senior level in An Garda Síochána to bring the force up to the standards expected of any police force in the twenty-first century.”

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