Statement by Aodhán Ó Ríordáin on Trump trip cancellation

11 September 2018

Labour Senator Aodhán O Ríordáin has welcomed the announcement that President Donald Trump has cancelled his intended trip to Ireland.

Senator Ó Ríordáin said:

“Clearly the outpouring of objections to this visit has had the desired effect as President Trump has decided not to come to Ireland”

“The mishandling is this entire episode by the government has certainly shone an uncomfortable light on their real attitude to the international rise of the far right and how best to challenge it”

“Mr Trump is the face of hate, racism and division. The organisation I helped found – Irish Stand – has consistently criticized the hypocrisy of Irish-Americans supporting this man considering the immigrant history of the Irish.

“It must now be the absolute focus of all peace-loving democrats in Ireland to give whatever help they can to candidates in America who will challenge his regime in the mid-term elections this November”

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