Ó Ríordáin welcomes Bord Pleanála decision on St.Anne’s

13 September 2018

Labour Party representative for Dublin Bay North, Senator Aodhán Ó Ríordáin, has welcomed the decision by An Bord Pleanála to refuse permission for a development on St. Paul’s land adjacent to St Anne’s Park.

Senator Ó Ríordáin said:

“I have been campaigning against development on this land for three years with local community groups and residents’ associations.

“These lands contain much needed local sports facilities and playing pitches which have always been considered part of St. Anne’s Park.

“The development of eight storey apartment blocks would have had a devastating effect on the environmental integrity of this much loved green lung of the North Side.

“These lands being zoned Z15 meant that they are completely inappropriate for large scale development.

“This decision which follows High Court Judicial review taken by the local community vindicates absolutely the opposition to this plan.

“I am delighted that An Bord Pleanála have seen sense and I will continue to fight for appropriate housing development on the North Side.”

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