Labour spokesperson on Housing, Jan O’Sullivan TD, has called on Minister Murphy to take action now to “stop the horror of homelessness that so many families and individuals dread.”
Deputy O’Sullivan said:
“Latest homelessness figures show there are now 9724 people in emergency accommodation, up 26 on the previous month. These figures leave out the 1600 who have been taken out of the statistics even though they are being funded through the Section 10 homeless money heading. Those seeking refuge from domestic violence are not included either.
“As we reach the coldest time of the year, this is a crisis that needs urgent action.
“The most effective action the Minister can take is to prevent people from becoming homeless in the first place and the most effective way to do that is to stop eviction notices and rent hikes in the private sector. We know that most of the people who become homeless have been renting in the private market.
“The Minister has been promising to update the legislation governing the private rented sector for some time but there has been no action. On behalf of the Labour Party, I have repeatedly called for the loopholes to be closed that are allowing landlords to end tenancies for spurious reasons like refurbishment, sale, a family member moving in etc….very frequently this never happens and, in the case of sale, there should be no requirement for vacant possession and this should be banned in law.
“Rent pressure zone limits are also being breached and a rent register that would allow a new tenant to know what the previous rent was is urgently needed as well as extending rent control to the whole country as homelessness grows outside of Dublin.
“I am calling on Minister Murphy to take these measures now to stop the horror of homelessness that so many families and individuals dread.
“At the same time, he needs to make ‘Rapid Build’ a reality as we see more and more innovative types of pre-constructed homes becoming a viable option to traditional construction.”