Northside MetroLink should continue as planned

21 February 2019

Labour TD for Fingal, Brendan Ryan, has reiterated his call for the Northise of the Metrolink development to be fast-tracked. Following reports today that the NTA is to abandon the Southline section of the proposed light rail development. The Northside section should continue ahead as planned.

Deputy Ryan said:

” Proceeding with the Metrolink project as planned is of utmost importance to my constituents and the entire city of Dublin. An affordable light rail link will not only reduce traffic from Swords to the city centre, but the rail will also allow residents to commute quickly, cheaply and sustainably.

“The construction of a North sideline must be a priority. Given the decision to no longer proceed with the full Southside development, the NTA can now redouble its efforts to deliver for the North County, which has never been served by light rail as our southside negihbours have, and which is a highly anticipated development.

“It has been promised to my constituents for many years and increasing the public transportation options in the area will improve many of their lives immensely. Although the southside has rejected their planned section, I would like to emphasize that this sentiment is not shared by residents on the Northside who desperately want a rail system built to connect them to the capital.

” This decision by the NTA does, of course, pose questions about our planning system. I would be of the opinion that a MetroLink connecting Sword to Sandymount would be of immense benefit to the entire city, for both Dublin locals and tourists. However, the need for greater connectivity between the North County and the city center still remains and is a goal which can still be achieved despite what has happened on the Southside.”


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