Trump still not welcome in Ireland

15 May 2019

US President exploiting Ireland for electoral purposes

Labour Senator Aodhán O Ríordáin has said that President Donald Trump is not welcome in Ireland and we should not be facilitating a visit that he will exploit for his re-election campaign.

Senator Ó Ríordáin said:

“The Irish people do not want Trump to visit here. When he announced a visit previously he quickly cancelled when the level of public resistance to it became clear.

“Now he intends to visit for a few days in June. We know the only reason he wants to come here is to exploit the visit for electoral purposes with the large Irish-American electorate.

“There are deep and permanent bonds of friendship between the peoples of Ireland and the United States and usually a President is warmly welcomed. But Trump is no ordinary president.

“Just last week the Dáil declared a climate emergency. Climate action is top of the political agenda. However in the United States we have a President who is fighting any effort to save our planet.

“Mr Trump is the face of hate, racism and division. The organisation I helped found – Irish Stand – has consistently criticised the hypocrisy of Irish-Americans supporting this man considering the immigrant history of the Irish.

“It must now be the absolute focus of all peace-loving democrats in Ireland to oppose this visit.”

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