Comprehensive Government Response Needed to Northside Murder Spree

28 May 2019

Labour Senator Aodhán Ó Ríordáin has called for a ‘Mulvey’ report and whole of government response to address the ongoing killing spree on the Northside of Dublin. He said:

”The latest murder on Dublin’s Northside demands a comprehensive response from government before the situation spirals completely out of control.

”The template is already there from the North Inner City Mulvey Report. This process should immediately be driven by the Minister for Justice who should engage with local Gardaí, Dublin CIty Council, local Drugs Task Forces, residents groups and Northside Partnership. 

“Communities are feeling abandoned by government as their children go to school walking past murder scenes. This is not normal.

”The government have an opportunity to seize the initiative and to set the agenda – an agenda focused on community infrastructure, training and employment, youth development, education, drug treatment, housing and anti-poverty measures.

”There is enough community spirit and goodwill to support an initiative such as this and it would receive political backing from all sides. 

“I am calling on the Minister to take the first step and commission a Mulvey-style report for Dublin 17 and surrounding areas.” 

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