Keep St Joseph’s Dementia Care Centre open

06 November 2019

Responding to reports of the planned closure of Saint Joseph’s Dementia Care home in Shankill in Dublin, Labour Senator and member of the All Party Oireachtas Group on Dementia, Kevin Humphreys, said:

“I’m extremely concerned by today’s Morning Ireland report on the mooted closure of St. Joseph’s in Shankill. It was clear to anyone listening just how vital this centre is for the residents and users of the service and their families.

“It also makes no sense that just weeks after the All Party Oireachtas Group on Dementia secured funding for extra supports for people living with dementia in Budget 2020, that the largest dementia-only care home in the country would be facing closure due to a lack of funding.

“I have raised the issue in the Seanad today and called for the Minister for Older People, Jim Daly, to come before the house next week to discuss this issue further.

“The Minister has agreed, and I look forward to getting further clarity on the status of St. Joseph’s next Tuesday.

“In the meantime, the Minister must work day and night to resolve this issue for the 180 families that rely on St. Joseph’s, who have been left in a really stressful situation by the prospect of this centre closing down.

“Staff at the centre also need clarity as to the future of St. Jospeh’s in the lead up to Christmas. Swift action is needed.”





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