Real solutions needed to fix Housing Crisis

14 January 2020

Labour Limerick TD and spokesperson on housing, Jan O’Sullivan, has said it is time for real solutions to fix the housing crisis.

Deputy O’Sullivan said:

“The failure of this Government to get a handle on the housing crisis has become one of the most glaring problems facing this country today.

“Whatever way they might like to spin it over the next few weeks, the reality is that home ownership is at its lowest level in over 40 years;  thousands of people are stuck in a rental trap where high rents mean it’s virtually impossible to save for a house, and we have over 10,000 people homeless in this State, including nearly 4,000 children.

“Enough is enough. It is time for a new direction on housing that offers real solutions. 

“We now need a State-led approach to housing to pick up the pieces from where the private sector has failed.

“The Labour Party has a plan to build 80,000 social and affordable homes over the next five years without raising taxes.

“It is clear that Rent Pressure Zones have not managed to control rising rents. Four per cent hikes year on year on an already expensive rental cost is simply too high.

“The Labour Party will freeze rents until enough homes have been built, and give greater protection to renters from unfair evictions.

“The rental crisis and homelessness are linked with many families coming from the private rental sector.

“We’ll make sure childrens’ rights are protected when their families find themselves in an emergency situation.

“No child should have to eat their dinner off a cardboard box on the street.

“The housing crisis can be solved when Fine Gael ideology of depending on the private sector is replaced with a determined publicly-led and politically driven programme.”



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