Calls to cancel Junior Cert are irresponsible

27 March 2020

Labour Party Education spokesperson, Aodhán Ó Ríordáin, has said calls by Fianna Fáil to cancel the Junior Certificate are irresponsible.

Deputy Ó Ríordáin said:

“Calls by Fianna Fáil to cancel the Junior Certificate fail to recognise the wider consequences of doing so.

“While obviously ensuring that the Leaving Certificate exams go ahead is obviously the priority, it is reckless to call for the Junior Certificate to be scrapped at this time.

“For many early-school leavers, the Junior Certificate might be the only qualification they will get. If the Junior certificate is cancelled now, it might impede those who choose to leave school at this time from applying for further courses in the future.

“Cancelling the Junior Certificate now will leave thousands of students at a loose end, and may make them feel demotivated after months of work.

“There are other options, rather than cancelling these exams right out, we should examine deferring the exams. Whatever happens next, this is a decision that should be made in conjunction with teaching unions and student representatives.”

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