Clarity needed on Medical card renewals

16 April 2020

Labour Senator Mark Wall has called on the Minister for Health and the HSE to clarify the renewal process for Medical cards with no clear system in place.

Senator Wall said:

“There is uncertainty about the renewal process for medical card and it is essential that the Minister and the HSE clarify quickly what arrangements are.

“I’ve received mixed messages about this with some cards automatically renewing, while for some the HSE are seeking further information and some are just being stopped. There must be clarity on what is going on, as it is causing confusion and unnecessary worry to people. A general extension would resolve this quickly.

“For example, in one instance, I was informed that they could not tell me whether a card due to expire next month would be renewed, and that instead I would have to call back in May.

“For older people contacting me their medical card is a comfort blanket and the lack of a clear process is confusing and worrying for them.

“I have asked my colleagues to raise this in the Dáil today. We need certainty on the rules that apply, and I would expect the Minister and HSE to act quickly so that there are automatic renewals for the period of the pandemic along with a grace period once the overall restrictions are lifted. Anything else would just create unneeded confusion and bureaucracy.”

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