Clarity needed on Junior Cert

25 April 2020

Labour Party Education spokesperson, Aodhán Ó Ríordáin, has called on the Government to give clarity on Junior Certificate exams.

Deputy Ó Ríordáin said:

“According to media reports today, the Department of Education is set to announce next week that the proposed delay of the Junior Certificate to September should now be swapped for in-school assessments in May and June.

“This is yet another example of leaks and disorganisation from the Department of Education and will lead to mass uncertainty.

“This type of haphazard communication does nothing only make students and their parents feel very stressed about the uncertainty of the situation.

“We are living in times where people are hanging on Government’s every word and the way a Government department is choosing to communicate an important policy announcement that will have an impact on the lives of our young people is completely unacceptable.

“This is not the time for kite-flying – we need to see proper communication through appropriate channels, so students, teachers and families are fully aware of the proper facts and procedures that will be in place for the Junior Certificate.

“I have major concerns with the lack of respect the Minister for Education and his Department are showing vulnerable students at this time.

“I also find it disconcerting that the Minister for Education has yet to attend a meeting of his own Department’s examination advisory group. These are big decisions that are being made that will impact on the future of our young people, there needs to be democratic accountability.”

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