Clarity needed on why Further Education and Training Institutes are exempt from NPHET guidance to move online only for two weeks
Clarity is needed on why Further Education and Training Institutes are exempt from NPHET guidance to move online only for two weeks according to Labour Spokesperson on Further and Higher Education, Senator Annie Hoey, who was speaking after it was revealed that FET Institutions are preparing to operate as normal on Monday.
Senator Hoey said:
“Despite the fact that Higher Education Institutions have been ordered to operate under Level 4 restrictions by having to move online for the coming two weeks and not only in Dublin and Donegal, this will apply to all Higher Education Institutions across the state, it would appear that Further Education institutions have not been instructed to do the same.
“It is concerning that Further Education and Training has been excluded by NPHET and Government from the request that Higher Education Institutions take the same measures countrywide as currently apply to those in Dublin and Donegal.
“We need clarity as to why there is differing public health advice given to FETs and Higher Education Institutes. The virus doesn’t discriminate between a Further Education campus and a Higher Education Campus and we need clarity as to why they are being treated differently.
“We are supposed to have moved to a holistic approach to post second level education. Obviously it is understood that ETBs operate in both the second level and post second-level sector but clarity is urgently needed as to why Further Education Institutes are being given different public health advice to Higher Education Institutes.