Rules agreed for election of new Labour Party Leader
A joint meeting of the Labour Party Executive Board and Parliamentary Party took place today, and affirmed that Alan Kelly would continue as acting leader until a successor is elected.
The Executive Board adopted rules for the election of a new Leader in line with the provisions of the Labour Party Constitution.
A candidate for the leadership of the Labour Party may be nominated by either at least two Oireachtas members of the Parliamentary Party, or at least five constituency councils whose members constitute at least 10% of the constituency membership of the Party. The Executive Board is keen to facilitate constituency councils to meet and to nominate a candidate, and therefore nominations for a new leader of the Labour Party will close at 12pm on Thursday 24th March. If there is a contested election, the date for close of polling will be Friday 22nd April and voting will be by postal ballot.
As per the Party Constitution, only TDs are eligible to put themselves forward as candidates and any TD seeking nominations from constituencies must inform the General Secretary. On Monday the General Secretary will contact all constituencies to see if they wish to convene a meeting with potential candidates in order to decide whether to nominate a candidate or not
In summary:
Nominations will close at 12pm on Thursday 24th March, and if there is a contested election, the date for close of polling will be Friday 22nd April.
If there is only one nominated candidate they will be deemed elected on Thursday 24th March.
- Only TDs are eligible.
- A candidate may be nominated by either at least two Oireachtas members of the Parliamentary Party, or at least five constituency councils whose members constitute at least 10% of the constituency membership of the Party.
- TDs will now be sent a nomination form by the General Secretary for PLP nominations.
- A TD seeking nominations from constituencies will inform the General Secretary. Constituencies may decide not to nominate. For those constituencies that do, meetings will then be convened by the General Secretary and will vote on whether they wish to nominate a candidate seeking their support.
- If more than one candidate is nominated an election will be held.
- Members are eligible to vote if they have been fully paid up for at least 18 months prior to the close of nominations.
- Voting will be by postal ballot.