Labour demands Minister to release SNA allocation for September 2022
Labour education spokesperson Aodhán Ó Ríordáin has called on the Minister to release the SNA allocations for the forthcoming school term. With schools throughout the country attempting to divvy out resources, Deputy Ó Ríordáin said they cannot continue to operate without the allocation information.
Deputy Ó Ríordáin:
“It is disgrace that we are a month out from the end of the primary school term and there has not been an announcement regarding SNA allocations for September. Most secondary schools are effectively closing this week and without the information on allocations there will be chaos when schools return in September.
“The lack of communication and urgency on this issue points to a clear disconnect between the Department and school communities. Students and families who require a SNA need reassurance that their needs will continue to be met, and schools need to be able to plan where allocations are shared.
“I raised this in the Dáil with the Minister on May 12th and the Minister assured me that the allocations would be released this month. With one day left in May, this is just deeply disappointing to school communities throughout the country.
“The current system is failing many children and families. The common thread is that the families of children with special needs and additional needs feel they have to go to war with the State in order to get results. This can be especially stressful for parents who already find themselves in an extremely difficult situation.
“As a former teacher and principal, I know the value of quality education in helping our special needs children fulfil their potential. The principle of providing every eligible child with SNA support is at the heart of making education fair and giving every child an equal start. The Minister must urgently outline the plans for the year ahead to ensure no child is left behind.”