Appalling treatment of Iceland workers must be addressed by Minister Coveney

21 June 2023

Labour Dublin Bay North TD Aodhán Ó Ríordáin has called on Minister Coveney to call Iceland to heel following the disgraceful treatment of workers.

Deputy Ó Ríordáin said:

“A ridiculous situation has occurred at Iceland stores across Dublin. Workers have been treated absolutely disgracefully by the company and it’s time for Minister Coveney to step up and get clarity for these workers.

“The business has gone into examinership and the store has effectively closed, but staff have not been told. They turned up for work this morning only to be told they have no jobs. This is an absolutely crazy scenario.

“My understanding is that Iceland stores across Dublin have been shuttered without any explanation to workers including shops on Talbot Street and Coolock. Minister Coveney needs to urgently find a pathway to consultation with these workers to ensure that they are not out of pocket in terms of wages owed and any potential redundancy payments they may be entitled to.

“This is absolutely no way to treat workers.”

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