Government inaction results in record high hospital overcrowding in August – Duncan Smith TD

31 August 2023
  • Minister for Health needs to heed the warning signs & act 
  • Safe staffing must be implemented

Duncan Smith TD, Labour’s Health spokesperson, has today condemned the worst ever August for hospital overcrowding, with over 9,720 patients admitted to hospital without a bed.

Deputy Smith said “This is a shocking situation. Patients are being forced to wait for hours on trolleys, and the impact on patients’ health can be devastating. We echo the concerns of the INMO and call on the Government to address the issue.

“The impact of overcrowding on staff is also devastating. “It is an incredibly stressful working environment. Burnout rates are high and staff turnover is huge.

“The Government has consistently failed to address the issue of hospital overcrowding. We need to see real action now.”

“The Minister for Health and the HSE to implement safe staffing without delay. This will ensure that hospitals have the staff they need to provide safe care for patients.

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