Policing Authority must intervene in the Garda roster dispute

27 September 2023

Labour justice spokesperson Aodhán Ó Ríordáin has urged the Policing Authority to intervene in the ongoing dispute over Garda rosters.

Deputy Ó Ríordáin said:

“The crisis within the Gardaí over proposed changes to the roster has been rumbling on without any meaningful action from this Government.

“Minister McEntee must instruct the Policing Authority to intervene in the dispute between the Garda Commissioner and rank and file members of the force before this industrial relations mess becomes a full scale disaster.

“The breakdown in relations between all parties needs to be resolved. Labour has consistently highlighted the concerns of members of the Gardaí in recent months. Recruitment for Templemore is failing to meet targets set by Government, and an increasing number of serving Gardaí have decided to leave the force in recent years.

“Morale is clearly at an all time low. Deep problems exist that both management and the Minister has mishandled. It’s time for the Policing Authority to intervene and bring an end to this crisis.”

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