Labour propose full medical and mental health screening for every person once they turn 18

05 October 2023

The Labour Party will launch its Alternative Budget today (October 5th) at 1:30pm in its Head Office on Aungier Street. Among the measures to be announced today, the Labour Party will propose the provision of a free medical screening and mental health assessment to every person over 18.

Speaking about the measure, Labour health spokesperson Duncan Smith said:

“We all know that prevention is key when it comes to health. Among Labour’s package of measures to support people in accessing best in class health is a bespoke assessment package for everyone once they turn 18.

“Labour is calling for the provision of a full medical health screening and mental health assessment to be made available free of charge for every person who turns 18. This is vital not only for people to build up a relationship with their own GP, but also for early intervention for a range of potential health issues that could be identified.

“So many communities nationwide have experienced the devastation of losing some to sudden arrhythmic death syndrome. Sudden arrhythmic death syndrome is an unexplained heart condition that can cause death in young people who appear healthy and fit. It is estimated that between 70 to 100 people under 40 die from the syndrome each year.

“While we have seen an increase of AEDs in community spaces, all the medical evidence suggests that weaknesses in the heart could be identified and managed if they are caught early.

“Providing every person with access to a full medical would ensure quicker intervention for any potential issue, as well as making people more aware of the importance in maintaining overall well-being.

“Too many people are tempted to skip annual check ups with their doctor. If we make it available to every young adult in this country, we could make a huge difference to people’s lives for generations to come.”

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