Budget 2024 does nothing for the future for students

Senator Annie Hoey image
11 October 2023

Labour spokesperson on Higher Education, Senator Annie Hoey has said that Budget 2024 provides a repeat of last year’s one-off measures while doing nothing for the long-term future of students in Ireland.

Senator Hoey said:
“Government are patting themselves on the back for a once-off reduction in student fees while providing no certainty for the future of students in Ireland. This Budget fails to provide any long-term measures on the huge costs of attending further or higher education. A continuation of similar one-off measures from last year does nothing to provide a future for students.

“The student accommodation crisis is as bad as ever and Government’s attempts to help do little for students. The renter’s tax credit has been extended to include digs accommodation while still failing to properly legislate for or protect students in digs. A renter’s tax credit will do little to console a student who has been kicked out of digs accommodation without any notice. The absolute lack of affordable student accommodation is unacceptable, and the reality is that now many students are forced to choose between paying rent or putting food on the table.”

“There is also no mention of a PhD Stipend. PhD researchers are living below the minimum wage, and they do not have any sick leave, maternity leave or other workers protections. The National Review of State Supports for PhD Researchers published earlier this year recommended that the stipend should be increased to €25,000 from the start of this academic year but Government have failed to introduce this.”

“Students are the future of our country, and we need to make sure that they have the support they need to succeed. The Government cannot afford to ignore the needs of students any longer.”

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