Energy Poverty Reality Check: Households need support to get through winter

15 November 2023

Deputy Ged Nash, Labour Party’s Finance spokesperson, has sounded an urgent alarm following revelations that a quarter of households are behind in their gas bills.

Deputy Nash said:

“These staggering statistics highlight a pressing concern about the country’s energy poverty, where the economic prosperity touted by Government in exchequer figures sharply contrasts with the financial struggles faced by families.

“The disparity between Ireland’s economic success on paper and the stark reality faced by households struggling to keep up with gas bills is deeply concerning. The lived experiences of families grappling with energy poverty cannot be dismissed or overlooked.

“This crisis is not simply about numbers in spreadsheets; it’s about the daily challenges that families, workers, and businesses endure. Ireland might be considered a wealthy country, but this wealth is meaningless if it cannot guarantee basic needs like affordable energy for its citizens.”

“We cannot ignore the fact that a significant portion of our population is grappling with energy poverty. Government must step up and prioritise measures to alleviate this burden on households and businesses. We need policies that ensure affordable access to energy for all, irrespective of economic background.

“It is a moral imperative and a matter of social justice to safeguard vulnerable households and businesses from the harsh realities of energy insecurity.

“We urge the government to acknowledge this pressing issue and take immediate, substantive action to ensure no household is left behind in the grip of energy poverty.”


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