Urgent need for safe staffing in health & care sectors

20 November 2023

Labour’s spokesperson on Health, Duncan Smith TD has called for Government intervention following the Health and Safety Authority’s recent findings revealing the alarming prevalence of violent workplace incidents within Ireland’s health and care sectors.

Deputy Smith said:

“The Health and Safety Authority’s report is a stark wake-up call. It highlights the distressing reality faced by healthcare workers every day—violence in the workplace. These dedicated professionals, already burdened by strenuous workloads and long hours, now face heightened risks due to a lack of adequate staffing levels. It’s imperative that we acknowledge these findings and take immediate steps to rectify this untenable situation.

“The report underscores the critical need for immediate action to address the safety and wellbeing of workers operating in these essential areas of care provision.

“The safety and well-being of our healthcare workers cannot be compromised any longer. Understaffing not only intensifies the workload but also exposes these frontline heroes to heightened risks, including physical violence. We cannot turn a blind eye to the urgent need for action to create a safer working environment for those who devote themselves to caring for others.

“Government must step up to its responsibility, listen to the calls from unions, and take immediate and effective measures to safeguard those who tirelessly serve our communities.”

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