Smith urges safety on the roads this May bank holiday weekend

03 May 2024
  • Road infrastructure must be addressed
  • Accident blackspots must be monitored

Labour transport spokesperson Duncan Smith urged all motorists to be careful on the roads this bank holiday weekend.

Deputy Smith said:

“There have been far too many tragic accidents on our roads already in 2024 with 69 lives lost in the first four months of the year. Grief from awful tragedies has touched too many communities leaving utter devastation in its wake.

“Yet this Government has failed to respond in a meaningful way.

“Twenty years ago, Ireland put a huge focus on road safety and it worked to bring down fatalities on our roads. We need to see that focus from Government again. It has to be evidence-based so that drivers can adjust their behaviour.

“While we anticipate seeing more Gardaí on our roads over the weekend, which is welcome, we need to also see a greater roll out of speed vans nationwide, particularly in accident black spots.

“The RSA tell us that the killer behaviours are people being distracted by their phones, speed, and driving under the influence of substances. All road users should be aware of the dangers on the roads and ensure that they are fully focused when behind the steering wheel.

“There’s no doubt that the state of our road infrastructure is making it more hazardous for all road users. Roads are crumbling nationwide, making conditions difficult for all road users.

“The quality of roads has deteriorated massively in the last nine months in particular, and the spate of bad weather has compounded the problem.

“Local councils are being forced to stretch already thin budgets to cover the costs of repairs, leaving essential services underfunded and communities isolated.

“Better road infrastructure would hopefully have an impact on tackling the enormous increase in road collisions that this country has experience to date in 2024. Of course, it is not a panacea but it is crucial to ensuring roads are safe and actually driveable.

“Bank holiday weekends are always busy times on our roads with people traveling to meet family and friends. I would urge anyone driving to be cautious and alert on our roads this weekend and every day.”

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