Labour calls for renewed urgency on road safety

15 May 2024

Labour’s Transport Spokesperson Duncan Smith TD is calling for Government support ahead of Labour’s Private Members Motion in the Dáil, urging an immediate increase in funds to repair damaged road surfaces. Extreme winter weather conditions and the climate crisis have worsened an already dire situation across the country’s roads.

Deputy Smith said,

“While we welcome An Taoiseach’s commitment to prioritise road safety, mere words won’t suffice. Motorists face dangerous conditions daily due to crumbling roads. It’s time for action, not rhetoric on roads, paths and cycleways.

“Government’s neglect in providing adequate funding for road maintenance is unacceptable. Local Authorities are stretched thin, diverting resources from essential services to cover repair costs, leaving communities left to navigate dangerous conditions.

“The motion calls for a renewed focus on reducing road deaths and injuries, with increased enforcement by An Garda Síochána and a comprehensive strategy from the RSA. Our roads, paths, and cycleways are in appalling condition, exacerbated by climate change-induced severe weather.

“Local Authorities lack resources to maintain infrastructure under the Regional and Local Roads program, with the majority of increased funding directed towards severe weather works. A national inspection program is essential to ensure safe standards.

“We urge the Government to support Labour’s motion and implement necessary measures to improve road safety. The time for action is now. Lives are at stake, and it’s imperative to prioritise the safety of all road users.”


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