Limerick renters paying the price for Government incompetence

20 May 2024
  • Limerick sees the highest rent increases in the country
  • Shocking 17.5% year on year increase in Limerick City
  • Rent in Limerick County up 51% on pre-covid levels

Labour’s candidate for Mayor of Limerick, Councillor Conor Sheehan, has condemned the Government’s persistent failure to address the housing crisis, following the latest report revealing that Limerick has experienced the highest rent increases in the country. The report underscores the severity of the situation, highlighting the Government’s inability to provide effective solutions to the housing crisis.

Councillor Sheehan said

“The report is a stark reminder of the Government’s continued neglect of the rental market. It is unacceptable that Limerick residents are facing the highest rent hikes in the nation. The rental market is completely broken, and this report highlights the urgent need for comprehensive reform.

“Labour has long called for proper regulation of short-term lets, which are exacerbating the rental crisis by reducing the availability of long-term rental properties. The Government’s failure to act on this issue is a clear indication of their lack of commitment to resolving the housing crisis.

“The Labour Party’s Renters’ Rights Bill, if enacted, would address the key concerns of renters: affordability, security of tenure, and the poor standards in rental accommodation. Our bill is designed to ensure that renters have access to safe, affordable housing and are protected from exploitative practices.

“The Government has repeatedly repackaged old, unworkable policies without ever truly addressing renters’ rights. This report should serve as a wake-up call. We need bold, decisive action, not more of the same failed approaches. Renters in Limerick, and across the country, deserve better.

“Renting is simply not working for people in Limerick. Under Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael’s watch, renting remains unaffordable and insecure. It’s time for the Government to stop ignoring the crisis and start implementing solutions that will genuinely benefit renters.”


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