Nash urges BD Executives to review Drogheda decision

11 July 2024

Louth Labour TD Ged Nash has urged BD to review their decision to close the Donore Road plant in Drogheda, with the potential loss of 170 jobs.

He made the call at a face-to-face meeting between all five Louth TDs and the company’s UK & Ireland manager, Mike Fairburn which took place in Dublin today (Thursday).

Deputy Nash said;

“All local TDs are clear on the need for this decision to be reviewed. I organised for BD SIPTU and Connect trade union shop stewards and their officials to meet with the Enterprise Minister Peter Burke on Wednesday.

“My clear view and that of the workers and their unions is that no single job can be conceded at this stage.

“The company is currently engaged in a proposed redundancy consultation with SIPTU, Connect and staff elected reps.

“I urged the company to revisit their damaging decision. They say that the rationale for their decision is to move the production of one product – PosiFlush – closer to their large markets.

“I challenged that, and I urged them to put their investment in the Drogheda plant to good use and in doing so, they did not deny that the Donore Road operation is capable of turning to the production of what I described as other products in the BD family.

“IDA confirmed to me that in 2023 they gave a grant of €807,000 to B-D in Drogheda for training and upskilling. This, along with the tens of millions invested by the company in B-D in Drogheda in recent years should not be walked back from.

“In keeping with Irish redundancy law, they have confirmed that ‘no final decision’ has been made ahead of the conclusion of formal consultation with staff reps and unions.

“I stated at the meeting that this should mean more than a tokenistic restatement of the law. They are obliged, as expressed in correspondence to unions which I have seen, to explore ‘any potential appropriate alternatives to redundancy’.

“That’s what they should do and that’s what Minister Burke must impress upon the BD CEO when he meets him next week in New York.”

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