Labour calls for urgent action to tackle bed shortages at UHL

03 October 2024

Labour’s General Election Candidate for Limerick City Councillor Conor Sheehan has called for immediate and decisive action following the revelation that Budget 2025 will deliver only one-third of the 335 beds promised, despite University Hospital Limerick (UHL) facing a current deficit of 230 beds. The people of the Midwest region, already contending with severe hospital overcrowding, continue to be let down by a healthcare system that is failing to provide adequate capacity and staffing levels.

Cllr Sheehan said:

“The on-going situation at UHL is deeply alarming. The healthcare professionals at the hospital are doing everything they can, but they are being asked to perform miracles with far too few resources. The fact that only a fraction of the promised beds will be delivered, while the hospital is still trying to recover from the effects of previous recruitment bans, is simply unconscionable. We’ve had report after report demonstrate the shortcomings. We are talking about lives being put at risk every day.

“The bed deficit at UHL is not just a statistic; it’s a stark reminder of the pressure that our healthcare workers are under. Many of the vacancies for essential staff remain unfilled, and we urgently need a ramp-up of recruitment efforts to address this. The ongoing effects of the recruitment ban have only worsened the crisis. It’s clear that without adequate staffing, even the existing facilities can’t operate at full capacity, let alone accommodate more patients.

“The reality is that UHL alone cannot meet the healthcare needs of the entire Midwest region. Iit is beyond clear that we need a new Model 3 hospital with a second A&E and we do not need a HIQA review to determine this. With the population continuing to grow, and healthcare demands only increasing, we cannot continue to gamble with people’s health. How many times can the people of the Midwest be led down the garden path when it comes to delivering promised healthcare improvements? Between the lack of delivery and the shifting of goalposts, trust in the system is being eroded.

“This is not just about one hospital; it’s about a healthcare system that is failing to deliver for the people of Ireland. The people of the Midwest deserve better than a hospital that is continuously overwhelmed. The current Minister for Health has clearly thrown in the towel when it comes to UHL, choosing to leave the issue for the next Minister to solve. 

“We need realistic and urgent solutions for UHL, and it’s clear that the next Minister for Health and the HSE must take immediate steps to tackle this crisis head-on. It’s time for a genuine commitment to staffing, bed provision, and the construction of a new hospital for the region. The people of the Midwest can no longer wait.”

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