Education Minister should be attending Covid Cabinet Committee

Priority must be to keep schools open and Education should be at the Covid Cabinet Committee. Daily engagement needed with Education stakeholders. With Level 4 plus restrictions due to be announced, Labour Education spokesperson Aodhán Ó Ríordáin has said the membership of the Covid-19 Cabinet Committee should be expanded to include the Education Minister, and…

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Health Minister must act on Social Bubbles – Moynihan writes to Donnelly

Moynihan writes to the Health Minister asking for action on blunt household visit restrictions. Government must publish guidelines on social bubbles this week. LSE research shows importance in reducing loneliness and improving mental health but also combatting spread of Covid-19. With new restrictions likely to be agreed by Cabinet tomorrow, Labour Senator Rebecca Moynihan has…

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Ongoing failures on airport testing will cost aviation jobs

Aer Lingus routes now at risk in Cork and Shannon. Airport testing promised for months but still not delivered. Government inaction is destroying jobs. The incoherent approach by the government to aviation continues said Labour Transport spokesperson Duncan Smith as the failure to provide airport testing is damaging confidence and destroying jobs as Aer Lingus…

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Time for cool heads – final opportunity for a deal must be seized

Labour Brexit Spokesperson Brendan Howlin has called for cool heads after the announcement by British Prime Minister Boris Johnson that the UK should prepare for a no-deal Brexit following the passing of his self-imposed deadline for a deal. Deputy Howlin said: “The artificial deadline set by Boris Johnson has come and gone but hopefully a…

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No worker should feel they have to go to work while sick

Employers need clear directions from Government to instruct workers to work from home No worker should feel compelled to come to work while sick and particularly during this pandemic where employees, employers and the community all owe a responsibly to each other. Labour Spokesperson on Employment Affairs, Senator Marie Sherlock was speaking after Deputy C.M.O…

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Labour Senators Oppose Rushing of Mother and Baby Homes Bill Through Seanad

Labour Senators have today criticised the hasty manner in which the Commission of Investigation (Mother and Baby Homes) Report Bill is being rushed through the Seanad by the Government. Speaking on the Bill, Seanad Group Leader Senator Ivana Bacik said, “Simply put, more time is needed. It has become very clear this week from our Second Stage debate…

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Nash expresses concern at Ulster Bank Loan sales report

Minister confirms plans to meet UIster Bank management Ged Nash TD has expressed his concerns over reports in today’s Irish Times that Cerberus Capital Management is considering making a bid for Ulster Bank’s €20.5 billion loan book. Labour’s Finance spokesperson Ged Nash TD said: “Today, the Minister for Finance confirmed to me in a reply…

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Urgency needed from NPHET on Social Bubbles

Guidelines needed by early next week. Social bubbles have been used successfully in other countries. LSE research shows important in reducing loneliness and improving mental health but also combatting spread of Covid-19. Welcoming the commitment from NPHET last night to look at the concept of social bubbles, Labour Senator Rebecca Moynihan who has been raising…

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Central Bank Report Shows need for Tailored Support for Households in Arrears

Household Credit Market report from Central Bank underlines need for additional “tailored supports” for mortgage-holders in arrears as payment breaks expire. Code of Conduct on Mortgage Arrears (CCMA) must be immediately strengthened to provide a specific list of options that may be suitable for a borrower who is in difficulty. Responding to today’s household credit…

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Government Needs a Strategy to Save Christmas

  The people need clarity and confidence for the remainder of the year, and a strategy is required to save Christmas, in order to give people hope. The 5-Level plan needs to be adhered to. Government communications of changes needs to be radically improved and made consistent. Strategy needed to help people living alone not…

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Justice for undocumented migrants necessary given public health advice

Responding to a survey conducted by the Justice for the Undocumented campaign of the Migrant Rights Centre Ireland (MRCI), Labour Seanad Group Leader and Spokesperson for Children, Disability, Equality and Integration Senator Ivana Bacik has highlighted the urgent need to provide a pathway for undocumented migrants in Ireland to regularise their status.   Senator Bacik…

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Support bubbles needed for those who live alone

Labour Senator Rebecca Moynihan has called on the Government and NPHET to consider allowing for support or social bubbles for those living alone or in single parent households. “The announcement by the government yesterday evening that all household visits are to be banned, is unnecessarily blunt and cruel for those living alone.” “We all understand…

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Fuel allowance payment down €49 versus last winter

Four extra weeks were paid in 2019/2020 season worth €98. Budget increase of €3.50 a week will apply for only 14 weeks from January, worth €49 in 2020//2021 fuel season. After the failure of the government to provide an extra four weeks of fuel allowance like they did last winter, Labour Social Protection spokesperson Seán…

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Independent Review into Leaving Cert Calculated grades fiasco welcome

Inquiry must report before the end of the year Labour Education Spokesperson Aodhán Ó Ríordáin has welcomed the announcement by Education Minister Norma Foley that she will facilitate an independent review into Leaving Cert 2020. Deputy Ó Ríordáin said: “I am glad the Minister has listened to Labour’s call for an independent, non-statutory inquiry into…

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Pupil Teacher Ratio reduction must be passed onto DEIS Schools

DEIS schools cannot be allowed fall further behind Ireland will have some of the largest class sizes in Europe even with the reduction The Minister for Education needs to ensure that the pupil-teacher-ratio is automatically passed onto DEIS Schools according to Labour Education Spokesperson Aodhán Ó Ríordáin. Deputy Ó Ríordáin said: “The Labour Party welcomes…

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Mother and Baby Homes Legislation too important to rush

Speaking before it is taken at second stage in the Seanad today, Labour Seanad Group Leader and Spokesperson for Children, Disability, Equality and Integration Senator Ivana Bacik has outlined why her Party cannot support the rushing through of the Commission of Investigation (Mother and Baby Homes and certain related Matters) Records, and another Matter, Bill…

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Budget 2021 fails to address pay and conditions in the Defence Forces

Increased capital investment welcome Budget 2021 fails to address pay and conditions in the Defence Forces which is exacerbating the recruitment and retention crisis in the forces according to Labour Defence Spokesperson, Senator Mark Wall. Senator Wall said: “While the €32 million increase on Defence spending and the additional €18 million in capital funding are…

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Budget 2021 designed to dazzle – all style but little substance for workers

Missed Opportunity to upskill and retrain workers during the pandemic     Speaking in response to the government’s Budget 2021 announcement, Labour Party spokesperson on Employment Affairs Marie Sherlock said:    “Billions have been thrown at the economy in a budgetary exercise designed to dazzle, but workers looking for meaningful support will be sorely disappointed.     …

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Budget does not deal with any of the long-term structural issues in higher education

Nothing in this budget deals with precarious work Budget 2021 does not deal with any of the long-term structural issues in the higher education sector according to Labour Spokesperson on Further and Higher Education, Senator Annie Hoey. Senator Hoey said:  “While the investment in Further and Higher Education within Budget 2021 is welcome this budget…

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Budget is a missed opportunity to transform Education in Ireland

Budget 2021 is a missed opportunity to transform Education in Ireland according to Labour Education Spokesperson Aodhán Ó Ríordáin. Speaking after the announcement of Budget 2021, Deputy Ó Ríordáin said: “While I welcome the reduction in the pupil teacher ratio by one point to 25 pupils per teacher at primary level. Given the scale of…

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Budget 2021 not ‘equality-proofed’ – no funding increase for childcare

no increase in funding for childcare sector. Not enough done for Disability and early years to deliver transformational change. Labour Seanad Group Leader and Spokesperson for Children, Disability, Equality and Integration Senator Ivana Bacik has welcomed aspects of Budget 2021 but has said that it was not “equality-proofed” to ensure that it met the needs…

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Developers Budget Fails Renters and Young People

No hope for housing crisis unless State ramps up construction beyond todays weak commitments Help to Buy will only inflate housing prices and shared equity line developers pockets Labour called for over €1 billion extra to be invested to deliver an extra 10,000 homes. Nothing for renters in Budget as evictions and rent increases return….

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Little hope for workers from Budget 2020

Paltry increase in minimum wage. No action on sick pay. Billions for business but no conditions on employment. Any worker hoping for real support in Budget 2021 will be bitterly disappointed said Labour Employment spokesperson Marie Sherlock highlighting the miserly increase in the minimum wage, the failure to provide any right to paid sick leave,…

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Budget fails those on PUP and weekly social welfare payments with no certainty for older workers beyond 2021

Restoring the cut to the Pandemic Unemployment Payment would cost appox. €10m a week. For second year in a row no increase to weekly social welfare payments. Budget only delays Pension Age increase for one year giving no certainty for older workers. FF backbenchers make a lot of noise but fail to deliver. Responding to…

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