Ireland must get serious on Wealth Taxes

Central Bank report confirms scale of wealth inequality in Ireland. Wealthiest 20% now have a median wealth of over €853,000 per person, with poorest 20% only having €1,000 per person. Wealth taxes needed in upcoming Budget to fund a fair recovery, broaden the tax base and build fiscal sustainability. Responding to the Central Bank report…

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Covid figures in Childcare settings highlight need for Labour Sick Pay Bill

Labour Senator and spokesperson for Children, Disability, Equality and Integration Ivana Bacik has highlighted figures released in response to a Dáil question, which reveal that as of 18 September, Tusla had been notified of 63 incidences of Covid-19 occurring in 62 Irish early years services, showing the need for statutory sick pay for workers in…

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Make PUP payment fit for purpose

Government needs to move speedily on supports for workers in Dublin in the Arts, Events and Hospitality sectors. Restore €350 payment level. As thousands of workers in Dublin face into no work for three weeks at a minimum, the Government must now move urgently to introduce adequate financial supports, Labour’s spokesperson for Employment affairs, Arts and…

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Eviction ban must be reinstated

Minister for Housing should bring forward emergency legislation this week. With thousands of workers losing their jobs or on temporary lay off in Dublin, Labour housing spokesperson Rebecca Moynihan has called on the Minister to bring forward emergency legislation to protect renters by reinstating the eviction ban. Senator Moynihan said: “In July the Labour Party…

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Disability services must be properly funded in Winter Plan

Labour Party Leader and Health spokesperson, Alan Kelly TD, has said that the HSE’s Winter Plan must allocate significant resources to disability services. Deputy Kelly said: “As part of the upcoming HSE Winter Plan, the Government must allocate significant funding to disability services. “Before Covid hit our shores funding for many disability services were already…

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Three Measures needed to support Dubliners in lockdown

€350 PUP payment must be restored. Ban on evictions and rent increases must be implemented now. Banks must extend repayment breaks for the duration of Level 3. The lack of support from the government for the people of Dublin must be addressed, said Labour Business spokesperson Aodhán Ó Ríordáin as he outlined a series of…

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Capital Gains Tax should increase in Budget – not be cut

Greens must hold nerve and seek increase in wealth taxes and restriction of reliefs. In the middle of a pandemic, Labour Finance spokesperson Ged Nash said it’s time to consider increasing taxes on wealth in the budget rather than slashing them as Fine Gael and Fianna Fáil are seeking to do with the Capital Gains…

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Minister needs to urgently review SHD Development guidelines

Bailey Gibson site SHD out of kilter with the local area The Strategic Housing Development planning process needs to be urgently reviewed by the Minister according to Labour Councillor Darragh Moriarty who was speaking after a decision by An Bord Pleanála to waive through planning permission for the development of the Bailey Gibson site in…

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Bacik welcomes recognition for Pharmaceutical Assistants

Labour Senator and spokesperson on Children, Disability, Equality and Integration, Ivana Bacik has welcomed the passage through the Seanad today of an amendment she and the Labour group had proposed to the Regulated Professions (Health and Social Care) (Amendment) Bill 2019, which provides for recognition of pharmaceutical assistants. Senator Bacik said: “Today we completed Report…

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3.30pm LH – doorstep on Dublin restrictions and need for Govt supports

Labour Business spokesperson Aodhán Ó Ríordáin and other Dublin reps will be available to speak to the media at 3.30pm on the Leinster House plinth on our call for support measures from the government in response to proposed Dublin restrictions. What: Labour doorstep with Aodhan Ó Ríordain, Duncan Smith and Dublin Senators Where: Leinster House…

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Dublin renters must be protected

· Eviction ban needs to be reinstated Dublin renters must be protected and the eviction ban needs to be reinstated according to Labour Housing Spokesperson Senator Rebecca Moynihan. Senator Moynihan was speaking in the Seanad after it was revealed that Dublin is set to move to Level 3 on the Living with Covid plan and…

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Dublin package of supports needed to protect people and businesses

Swift action needed to reassure public with comprehensive package of supports. PUP payment levels and renter protections must be restored. Application period for Restart grant should be extended along with rates waiver. With our capital city due to move to at least level three restrictions, and pubs and restaurants all but shut down if public…

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€350 PUP level must be restored as new restrictions due to come in

Following the government cuts yesterday to the €350 Pandemic Unemployment Payment, Labour Social Protection spokesperson Seán Sherlock said the levels must be immediately restored as additional restrictions are about to imposed on Dublin and the ongoing restrictions on those in the events sector. Deputy Sherlock said: “There is an urgent need now to reverse the…

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The World Needs Women’s Work – Time to Close Ireland’s Gender Pay Gap

Labour Senator and spokesperson on Children, Disability, Equality and Integration, Ivana Bacik has marked the first-ever UN International Equal Pay Day (18th September 2020) by calling for government action to close Ireland’s gender pay gap. Senator Bacik said: “Today on, the inaugural International Equal Pay Day, we must renew our efforts to achieve equal pay…

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Minister for Justice must bring forward amendments to Coco’s Law

Minister promoting new bill today on conspiracy to murder but no sign yet of Government amendments to Coco’s law. Effective criminal sanctions needed for cyberbullying and online harassment. After restoring his bill to tackle online harassment and cyberbullying to the Dáil order paper today, Labour Justice spokesperson Brendan Howlin called on the Minister for Justice…

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Student cannot be used as free labour in our higher education sector

Labour Spokesperson on Higher Education, Senator. Annie Hoey, has raised concerns with the Minister for Higher and Further Education regarding the use of research students as unpaid teachers in the higher education sector. This follows the issuing of an email to NUI Galway post graduate research students in recent days informing them of their obligation…

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Motor insurance customers must be refunded if anti-competitive behaviour is confirmed

CPCC’s preliminary report suspects anti-competitive cooperation in some motor insurers over a 21-month period during 2015 and 2016. Findings come on top of Central Bank report which found massive difference in claims costs and premium hikes by insurers. Responding to today’s preliminary findings on the motor insurance industry from the Competition and Consumer Protection Commission…

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Clear plan needed for travel restrictions

Explanation needed on airport testing A clear plan is needed from Government on travel restrictions according to Labour Transport Spokesperson, Duncan Smith T.D. Deputy Smith was speaking after it was announced that Ireland is to align with EU Commission policy and adopt a traffic light system for international travel. Deputy Smith said: “At the beginning…

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Coco’s Law must be passed by Christmas

Coco’s Law must be passed by Christmas according to Labour Justice Spokesperson Brendan Howlin who is reintroducing his Harassment, Harmful Communications and Related Offences Bill criminalising online harassment to the Dáil this week. Deputy Howlin accepted a petition from Jackie Fox, mother of Nicole Fox Fenlon calling for ‘Coco’s Law’ named in honour of her…

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Certainty needed for people in Dublin on Covid measures

Comprehensive and clear communications needed from Government After failing to get any further clarity at Leader’s Questions from the Taoiseach, Labour Leader Alan Kelly said the government needs to give certainty and clarity to the people of Dublin on what actions they can or can’t take, after repeatedly asking the Taoiseach to address what the…

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Clear guidance needed for Higher Education Institutions in Dublin

What is meant by ‘enhanced protective measures’ for HEIs in Dublin? Labour Higher Education spokesperson Annie Hoey has called for the publication of detailed guidelines on the recommended ‘enhanced protective measures’ needed for Covid-19 in Higher and Further Education Institutions in the face of recommended additional restrictions for Dublin. Senator Hoey said; “It has now…

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Kelly rang Taoiseach to challenge Dáil adjournment

Labour Party Leader Alan Kelly contacted the Taoiseach following the adjournment of the Dáil to challenge the sudden suspension, as it was his view business could be taken by Ministers of State, saying it was important that people see that our national parliament continues to work during the pandemic. Deputy Kelly said: “When the Ceann…

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Taoiseach must give clear advice about Dublin and whether it is at Level 2 or 3

Labour Leader Alan Kelly T.D has called on the Taoiseach to give clear advice as to whether Dublin is at Level 2 or 3 of the Government’s medium-term plan for living with Covid. Speaking at Leader’s Questions, Deputy Kelly said: “There is an inherent contraction in what was published today. This is not a five…

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Election of Ann Heneghan welcome step towards gender equality in sport

The election of Ann Heneghan as the first ever female President of Connaght Rugby and the first woman to head an Irish province is a welcome step towards gender equality in sport and sends an important message to women involved in sport according to Labour Spokesperson on Sport, Senator Mark Wall. Senator Wall said: “I…

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